Thursday, January 21, 2010

Microsoft Sues TiVo over Video Patents

Microsoft on Wednesday filed suit against TiVo in a California District Court, accusing the company of violating several patents regarding video programming.

Microsoft claims that components of TiVo's set-top box products, subscription services, and software infringe on Microsoft-held patents for a "system for displaying programming information" and a "system and method for secure purchase and delivery of video content programs."

"We remain open to resolving this situation through an intellectual property licensing agreement, and we have initiated discussions to engage TiVo in negotiations," Kevin Kutz, Microsoft's director of public affairs, said in a statement.

TiVo said the Microsoft suit is simply a means to defend AT&T in a separate case.

In August, TiVo filed a patent suit against AT&T and Verizon in a Texas District Court, accusing them of infringing on patents related to its digital video recorder (DVR) patents. TiVo pointed to AT&T's U-verse service as one of the infringing products.

On Friday, Microsoft filed an intervention complaint in that case, stating that TiVo's case against AT&T involves Microsoft as well.

"U-verse is a subscription service provided by certain subsidiaries of AT&T Inc. As part of the television subscription, a U-verse subscriber is provided with a set-top box with certain digital video recording and playback functionality," Microsoft wrote in its complaint. "The set-top boxes run Microsoft software known as Mediaroom. [TiVo's] accusations of infringement by AT&T Inc. therefore implicate Microsoft software and technology."

"Microsoft's recent legal actions, including its decision to seek to intervene on behalf of its customer, AT&T, and its recent complaint against TiVo in U.S. District Court, Northern District of California do not bear on whether the AT&T products and services that are the subject of TiVo's complaint infringe the patents asserted by TiVo," TiVo said in a statement. "Rather these actions are part of a legal strategy to defend AT&T. We remain confident in our position that AT&T will be found to infringe on the TiVo patents asserted."

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